Fearless Frosty
Status: Nearly ready! Full release slated for sometime in 2025
Based on the infamous Cape od Frosty, our kit for this smallest one-design ever is the perfect project for a family or teacher to do with their kids. Moreover, we are collaborating with SailMaine and the Dirigo Marine Learning Project to create 4 new Frosty Fleets in 2025 and the first 6 boats will be donated for those organizations that sign up.

Wherry for fast, fixed seat rowing
Status 1/17/24 ~ Modeling is finished on the final hull and final construction details and first kit is being laid out for prototyping.
This Wherry is based on the Monument River Wherry graciously offered to us in the form of lines and lots of information by an avid rower and ameteur designer Jon Aborn based in South Shore, Massachusetts. We refined the hull shape and Clint will build one for is own use in Maine waters for a series of Island circumnavigations he is planning for 2024 and 2025. This boat will slide into his truck and be launched at various spots along the Maine coast for day and overnight excursions.

Nautilus Sailing Dory 16'
STATUS 1/15/24: Design is now underway for the sailing version of the Nautilus dories .
The design brief for the this new dory design is first and foremost that it is of the beautiful Swampscott style like the Deblois Street Dory. It is to be primarily a sailing and rowing dory for all waters but be clearly able to take a load for fishing with the kids and later for Dad to take out and have a good morning workout row or evening cocktail row with his bride. The boat will be able to carry 3-4 people with seating that allows tandem rowing. Construction will be our trademark tab-n-lock system and hybrid stitch-and-tape and glued-lapstrake construction. No strongback will be required!

Bayview Skiff "V"
Status 1/17/24: We are experimenting with the modified-vee construction method and once ready will be applied to the Bayview.
This is our popular 13’ Bayview Skiff reworked to have a modified vee-shaped bottom up forward making for a smoother ride in choppy water. This method retains the incredibly easy “skiff-kit” construction method we developed by using a kerfed bottom (shown in the photo) allowing the bow to have the vee while still cutting the bottom as one piece. This method may also be integrated into the Bayview Sport model.

Bayview "Sport"
Status 1/17/24: This is a project idea and can be moved forward with enough interest and/or funding.
This is a runabout, ‘sport’ layout out on the popular Bayview Skiff. Decked over with a sitting console, this will be a fun boat to rip around and play. A flat bottom and modified-vee bottom are possible as is a larger 15-foot or so version. An 18” model of this boat was developed for a organization to build with kids from laser cut parts.

The Steever Skiff
Status 1/22/24 ~ Still actively seeking funding for this very special St. Lawrence River Skiff ~ work forthcoming
The Steever Skiff is the penultimate St. Lawrence River Skiff. Three skiffs were built to the modified lines of the late Andy Steever’s “Hurry up”, which was Andy’s own design for a light, fast SLRS based on the many, many boats he studied along the river, like the Bobby and Annie. He drew his lines at 18’ for light construction optimized for solo rowing. “Hurry up” was incredibly fas and the three that cam after it were improved further. We have the rights to kit the boat true to form and we plan to do that with help from crowdfunders and the Steevers.

Deer Isle 16.5
STATUS UPDATE: Modeling and design has begun for a larger version of the KDI. She will be 16.5’ long x 6’4” wide.
The KDI is long admired but I do get requests for a larger one at 16-17’. We envision one at 16.5’ with about 6’ beam and a bit more freeboard/depth amidships. To do this requires a couple weeks of design time and a few people to help sponsor this work. If you are dreaming of a larger KDI, let me know!

Oyster River Catboat
STATUS 1/17/24 ~ Prototyping and kit work is nearly finished ~ ready for release pending interest.
This is an existing design initially drawn by Ned McIntosh that was done for the UNH Docent program in Durham, NH and is used for their Family Boatbuilding program. It is a proven, lovely design that UNH asked us to document and draw plans for amateur construction. We have completed a kit that uses the Tab-n-lock making the boat much easier to build and we have worked closely with the UNH Docents to make a kit that specifically helps them in their 3-day boatbuilding event. Plans and a final released kit are planned, but we cannot say when yet.

16-foot Caravelle
Status 1/17/24 ~ Still gauging interest - the new Nautilus Dory may be a better choice but for folks interested in a 16-foor sailing skiff, let us know. We can bring this project to fruition.
We are still interested in making a 16-foot version of the Caravelle Skiff, one that is much like the venerable Goat Island Skiff but retaining the seaworthy good-looks and versatility of the dory-skiff. We would like to see the ability to take a small outboard - preferably the EP Carry electric outboard - and we would like to be able to see people camp-cruise in her - which means rowing and sailing performance is important as well as light weight. We don’t know if such a project has much interest, so let us know if it does!

15' Double Ender
STATUS: needs sponsorship
The Thomas skiff and Fry are light weight St. Lawrence River Skiffs. It will row better than a Peapod but be cartoppable or loadable in the back of a pickup truck. This will be a solo boat with capacity to take a passenger. It and can be built with 6mm plywood down to 4mm plywood for those wanting to go ultralight.

Long Double Paddle Kayak
STATUS: Still an idea, I’ve always loved the boat, gauging interest
This is a Roger Long boat that is beautiful and functional and people have been buying plans for it, but I would like to see it as a kit. If you are interested, contact me. She will modified to fit lightweight, plywood construction, stitch-and-glue or lapstrake.

Drake 22
STATUS: In the idea phase, gauging interest.
This 22-foot version of the Drake series would be a 2-person, performance oriented rowing boat suitable for sliding- or fixed-seat rowing with some reserve capacity for light camping gear. The shape of the hull will be a hybrid of the Drake raceboat and the Drake 19 but this may changed based on where interest is, in a more performance oriented boat or a more versatile tandem, rowing boat that can be camp cruised. With a couple sponsors of this project, we can develop the idea more completely and begin design work.

Kinney Dory - 12'
Status: Gauging interest in a kit for this boat
The Kinney Dory is a beautiful small dory drawn originally by Francis S. Kinney and published in his original Yacht Design book. Quite a few have been built by other. I built two (the 2nd one is pictured here) and is used as a tender and rowboat. I built to the lines from the book and now use the 3D model of the boat in one of my classes so it is already part way to becoming a kit!