The Goat Island Skiff
A complete, precut boat kit for a real wooden sailboat by M. Storer
LOA 15' 6"
LWL 14' 9"
Beam 5'
Draft (board up/down) 4"/36"
Depth amidships 20" | Weight ~150lb
Sail Area 105 (lug) 14 sf (sprit)
Where does one start about the Goat Island Skiff? I became attracted to the GIS because of its simplicity and focus on performance. As a budding designer, I wanted to learn about designing and building lightweight craft yet I wanted something fairly quick to build so I can go sailing! In 2010, I finished the GIS kit (Mk I version; now the 2nd generation ships) in 2010 and still sail and row my Goat today. Michael Storer blessed my interest to develop a yawl rig and that has been a big focus.
A relatively easy, quick boat to build for the amount of enjoyment you will get out of her
Special CNC-cut features and precut wood package on the GIS make it a much easier project for people to tackle
Available as a standard rig or the lug-yawl rig - our plans package and hardware kits can be ordered for both
I just about never sail without the mizzen as this arrangement makes her into a small sail-&-oar boat, more friendly for singlehanding, maneuvering and reefing underway, and switching from sailing to rowing mode, and back again. Mostly I sail, but the skiff rows pretty well given her light weight - as long as the rudder is kept submerged partially. The interior offers a lot of space for a small boat because of the high freeboard - which also creates some security - and open layout. The GIS will present the new sailor with a good learning curve and will continue to delight as your experience grows. We take our GIS on 1-2 night camp-cruises in protected waters of Maine’s big bays and have a blast.
What excites me most about the GIS - especially with our complete kit - is that it allows someone totally new to boat building to experience the joy of “building-your-own” while getting a real sailboat that can take you places in the end!
“Your guidance and the clear plans from you and Michael have been invaluable - every step is so clear. ”
Complete kit contents for the Goat Island Skiff
Plywood kit | Timber kit | Hardware kit | Epoxy kit
Our 2nd generation GIS kit is absolutely packed with unique, time-saving (about 20-25% over building from scratch), and special features to make this project entirely doable by even the most humble of novices. Some of these aspects are:
the Tab-n-Lock system of hull construction
our proprietary NC Scarf allowing a strong, aligned connection for planks
small tweaks and added parts, such as daggerboard and rudders, doublers, “jumpsticks” and box-boom sides
The GIS plywood kit is cut from 6mm Bryunzeel Hechthout - the most premium of marine plywoods available.
The GIS precut timber parts are cut from beautiful hardwoods and softwoods selected carefully to keep the GIS light and strong; the spar timber kit includes a set of Birdsmouth mast staves cut from clear Spruce.
Options, Upgrades and Accessories for GIS
GIS comes as the standard lug or a yawl
Kit layout with a 9mm Okoume bottom available for rough use/durability
Vacuum bagging service for rudder and daggerboard layers (upgrade)
Foil shaping rudder and center/daggerboard on our CNC table (upgrade)
Standard kit includes CNC cut knees and transom reinforcement out of ply (can be done out of precut mahogany as an upgrade).
Hollow, Birdsmouth (intermediate) or Hollow-square mast available (beginner friendly)
Carbon fiber masts (upgrade)
Solid Spruce mizzen is standard but can be birdsmouth as an upgrade
Timber-stave daggerboard and rudder made from cedar and spruce (in lieu of standard plywood DB and rudder)
Stainless mizzen partner (upgrade)
Aluminum tube and materials for forward mast step (included in yawl kit)
Ronstan 12mm RopeGlide fairlead for mast (upgrade from RF59 which is standard)
57mm Ratchet block for mainsheet bridle (upgrade)
4:1 Downhaul to replace 3:1 included in kit
10x20” Armstrong deck plate for aft tank to replace round plate (upgrade)
Cream or tanbark sails available
Oarmaking kit or Shaw & Tenney oars
Sawhorse cradles (highly suggested)
The kit builds without any need for a strongback by screwing the side panels at the bow, engaging side panels and bulkheads with the tabs and slots, and fastening to the transom. The side panels are glue to stem and transom and to the frames without having to remove the frames. The bottom goes on like a lid after the chine logs are planed flat. The interior accepts the precut tank tops and seats, with some trimming to fit, included in the kit. For the yawl version, a mizzen bracket attaches to the transom and a new mast partner/step is built forward of the 2nd bulkhead - these parts are included in the kit with instructions and drawings. The plans and instruction manual specific to the GIS kit come with the purchase of the complete kit.
“The lines of the GIS from your kit are beautiful to behold - so many compliments when she launches. She sails like a rocket!”
Camp-cruising in the Goat Island Skiff: discover new places!