Holiday Gift Guide

Model Boats


Help your loved one or friend build their own model skiff from a pre cut kit and our instructions. A great introduction to building a boat, but smaller! This model is 35'“ long and utilizes beautiful birch plywood accented by mahogany gunwales and trim. The sail and rigging is included. All that is required is to purchase a few small items at the local hardware store, such as small clamps and glue (links for these are included in the manual).

Model Skiff kit $125 includes shipping inside US.



These sawhorses are made from 3/4” radiata pine plywood and break down flat for easy storage. The standard sawhorses are about 26” wide and 32” tall and have a flat top. They are $85 for one set (two horses). They can come with a top that fits a Chase boat or another boat if the shape is provided. Cradle sawhorses are also available in a wider stance and with a top that is custom fit to any of our boats or other boats if the shape can be provided.

Standard Sawhorses $85 | Custom Cradle horses $135

Gift Certificate

For any of our workshops in 2020: Build your own Boat in April, Sparmaking in August, or Introduction to Boatbuilding in November 2020. We can make a certificate for any amount and send a nice printout for you to give to your loved one.

Compass Skiff kit


The Compass Skiff is a great boat for beginner boatbuilders and folks who want a versatile, outboard skiff for fishing and poking about on lakes, rivers, and protected bays. The complete kit for the Compass comes on a pallet with all the wood and hardware requited as well as plans and a manual. The epoxy adhesives come in a separate box. Unlimited support is standard with every kit.

Complete Skiff Kit $2,325

Boat Plans for Beginners

Plans from our Easy to Build line up: the Compass Skiff, Echo Bay Dory Skiff, or Caravelle. Printed and shipped to your door. Includes full size patterns.

Compass Skiff $95 | Echo Bay $125 | Caravelle Skiff $125