Family Boatbuilding at WoodenBoat School
There are still 3 spaces! Register at the School's website. In one week, you can build this 10-foot outboard skiff with your family in the most beautiful, fun setting, in Brooklin, Maine, home of WoodenBoat.
Drake Raceboat 20
Nate Rooks has launched his own Drake Raceboat 20. He will race his boat in the Seventy48, a 2-day rowing race from Tacoma to Port Townsend, WA. He is also documenting the build, launch, training, and race as part of Off Center Harbor. So there will be some great video coming out. Here is a sneak peek video on Nate's FB page. | View all boat kits
Build-your-own Calendar Islands Yawl
Jim wnated an upgrade from his Northeaster Dory, something bigger and more substantial but light. He launched his CIY and was really impressed with it. His boat will be a contestant in the Conours d' Elegance and on display in our booth at the WoodenBoat Show coming up in two weeks in Mystic.
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Drake 19
George Costakis in Washington State just launched his Drake 19. He'll be racing in the Seventy48 with is son. They are rowing tandem and plan to use the boat later for cruising the beautiful waters out there.
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TIP OF THE MONTH: Reading instruction manuals
I take a huge amount of pride in the instruction manuals that I write for my boats. It takes an enormous amount of time to accumulate the feedback, photos, and trials required to make a great manual. Mine are always being revised and so I have made them "live" in the cloud. A great way to use them is to read them right off the shared folder that you will receive and open them on your iPad, laptop, or desktop. You will always see the most current version. A live manual like this will also enable the use of slideshows and videos embedded in the manual itself. See more of our tips here.
Parting Shot from the Washington Coast
Nate Rooks is going to have a great race on June 11th. It is the first annual Seventy48, a 2-day, 70-miler that goes from Tacoma and finishes in Port Townsend. I love this shot snapped by his brother while Nate was doing a training run 'round Bainbridge Island.