Boatbuilding 101

A primer on how to build a boat with designer/builder, Clint Chase

Learn the skills you need in only 3 days to construct a hull


November 6-9th, 2025 ~ location in Maine TBD

November 15-17, 2024 ~ Chase Small CrafT, Saco

Tuition is $675

Registration ends 1 week before class begins ~ Please fill out Registration form

This canoe was designed to be a great project for teaching and learning boat building. Need a confidence and skills boost before taking on your own project?

This class is for you!

In this fun filled 3-1/2-day class, we will build a Menomonee Canoe and send it home with a lucky student for cost of materials. In just a few days you will learn the essential skills to build your own boat. All students leave with a new sense of confidence and competence so you can go home and build your own boat.

The first day we will learn about the use of epoxy and adhesives as well as making bevels in the parts making phase. We’ll discuss prefinishing techniques and essential hand tools skills such as using and sharpening block planes, proper predrilling and driving screws, as well as clamps and their use. The hull will be built by the end of day two! The nice thing about this boat model is that students will learn three different planking methods in as many days, as well as more epoxy and fiberglassing methods. On the 3rd day we will fit out the boat interior, install hardware, and fiberglass the outside. The last day is morning only and allows us to finish some fiberglass work and steam the rubrails in place.

This workshop is truly unique in how much we cover; literally 2 weeks of content in three days. But it is also a lot of work! You will be well rewarded from the experience.

The boat will be available to take home at the end of the week. If multiple people want it, there will be a lottery system to decide the winner. The boat cost is the roughly the same as a complete kit plus any additional sub-kits you wish to take with you.

Class runs 8:30-4:30pm daily and 8:30-noon on the last day.

Lots of places to stay nearby. Loved ones who may wish to join you will find plenty to do here, even in winter, like cross country skiing, shopping in Freeport and Portland, and walks on the beaches of Saco. Click here for workshop information sheet.

A 3 day class that covers many elements of building a kit was a great class for me. The pace was great and I felt like I got to try my hand at all parts of the boat building experience. The only question I have now is which kit do I want to build first!! ~Bill, Boatbuilding 101

To register fill out the form or email at