Rowing hardware options
HORN OARLOCKS (left) are better when you need to quickly pop oar out of the locks like when coming up to a dock. The horn oarlocks will need to store inside the boat in a leather holster or a hole in the seat. The OVAL OARLOCKS (right) are better for inexperience rowers because it is harder for the oar to pop out. They stow on the oar itself. Both are made of Bronze in the USA and fit into 1/2” sockets.
Edge mount oarlock sockets mount directly to the gunwales over the inside corner of hull.
Top-mount oarlocks sockets mount directly on top of gunwale or in hardwood riser block.
All boats can use either horn or oval oarlocks, builder choice. Many boats specify edge-mount sockets but top-mount sockets may also be chosen. The difference is mostly aesthetic. Edge mount sockets are a bit easier to install, but top mount sockets install in a hardwood riser block which can be anywhere from 3/4” to 1-1/2” high allowing for some extra height on the gunwale.
Sailing hardware options
The Ropegluide 12mm or 16mm is an upgrade from the RF59 fairlead. These have a smoother lead and a nicer profile.
A swivel cam base is available for mainsheets
A ratchet block isn’t essential to go sailing but it makes handling the mainsheet that much nicer.