The NC Scarf is a key feature of the precut, plywood kits by Chase Small Craft
Our unique, NC-scarf is one of the coolest features of our kits that help set our boats apart from the rest. What is “NC”? That is a hold-over from the days when wood was Numerically Cut with punch cards rather than computers. Now we generate code with computer software and this we CNC cut - so truly this is a CNC-scarf. We say “NC” for short.
The tolerances in this joint are down to just a few thousands of an inch which allows the joint to fit together tight enough to align the planks, like a long puzzle piece, but leave just enough room for the epoxy to do its thing. Because the joints are tight, only unthickened epoxy is used to glue the joint together - our favorite is FLAG by MAS.
“I have been pleasantly surprised how well the project has gone. The parts go together surprisingly accurately. The locator tabs pay back the price of the kit. They position everything very well and hold things in place during otherwise difficult operations”.”